If you have pain bothers so much, soft tissue acute injury, chronic strain and tension
imbalance are common factors related to back pain, neck stiffness, and other
physical dysfunction and pain of joints. The treatment relies on precise
assessment and relief of soft tissue lesions.
Anatomy knowledge, clinical practice and Gong Fu exercise have been
strengthening Jim’s assessment of the soft tissue and joints and manipulative
skills to relieve deep myofascial pain/fibrous adhesions, to maintain and
rehabilitate physical function.
As a Chinese Gong Fu enthusiast, Jim will be warmly sharing with clients the
experience of remedial exercise, self care, Tai Chi and stretch exercises, as well
as physical rehabilitation and posture maintenance. Posture is an important
factor related to scoliosis, and back and neck conditions.
Treatments Available:
Massage Therapy to the benefits of improving
Tension headache, cervicogenic headache, cervicogenic dizziness
Neck pain/stiffness, arm pain, finger Numbness
Frozen shoulder, thoracic outlet syndrome
Back pain, scoliosis
Low back pain, pelvic tilt, piriformis syndrome, sciatica
Tennis elbow, golfer elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger
Knee pain, ankle joint injury, plantar fasciitis, calf muscle tension
Achilles tendon strain
TMJ Joint pain/discomfort/clicking
Acute/chronic soft tissue (tendon/ligament) injury
Registered Massage Therapist (The College of Massage Therapists of Ontario)